Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Exam Prep Due February 2

Which topics and theorems do you think are the most important out of those we have studied?
Factor, isomorphism, reducibility, remainder, relatively prime, prime (polynomials/ideals), congruence classes, cosets, polynomial functions, quotient rings, Kernal, Maximals...

What kinds of questions do you expect to see on the exam?
--Give me examples of X where X was discussed either in class or on a homework.
--what is the definition of Y where Y is contained in the material covered after the last exam
--Prove Z, where Z was in the reading/class lecture/homework
--some random new concept teacher finds interesting and teaches on the review day...

What do you need to work on understanding better before the exam?
--All of the above.
--Congruence class arithmetic.
--A real understanding of X as either a variable in the rules of functions, an element of a set, a number.

Come up with a mathematical question you would like to see answered or a problem you would like to see worked out in class on Wednesday.
I didn't follow the why of the proof of theorem 5.11 (second edition) for (alpha)=[x]  and the definition of congruence -class arithmetic.

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